Mcintosh Tube amplifiers and other vintage tube amplifiers
Why purchase a used or refurbished vintage Mcintosh tube amplfier or other vintage tube amplifier. The reason most buyers have : 1 Name recognition. 2 Product looks, beaury is in the eye of the beholder. 3 The value may hold ,but use will degrade it. 4 The buyer may believe the sound quality is superior. These reasons are questionable. QuickSilver started business in 1981 making superior sounding and looking mono amplifiers. I have been a dealer for over 35 years.
The incredible USA made Quicksilver Mono Amplifier can be purchased for the same or less cost as a vintage McIntosh used tube amplifier. One reason to buy a Quicksilver amplifier of course is because it is new with many years of life. Quicksilver mono block amplifiers have absolutely no crosstalk and the sound quality is far superior to used vintage amplifiers.
QuickSilver Mid Mono 40 watts$1995.00 pair. Quick Silver KT Mono (pictured) 80 Watts $3995.00 pair.
Call me for more information or to order. 901-751-3337