My recommended Moving Coil phono catridges and phono amplifiers
There are two avenues to phono cartridge amplification; One is to increase the voltage output from the cartridge to a large enough degree to drive a line amplifier ( voltage amplification). This is the process used by most phono amplifier stages. Two Is to convert the current output from the cartridge to a voltage that will drive the line amplifier (current amplification). My findings from listening tests are, the current amplification ( called Transimpedance) outperforms the voltage amplification by a large margin. The draw back to a transimpedance phono stage is the limited amount of cartridges they will operate with. The transimpedence phono stage will only operate with a low impedance Moving Coil cartridge. Most quality low output moving coil cartridges will function with a Transinpedance phono stage.
Below is my recommended list consisting of only low impedance moving coil cartridges and Transimpedance phono stages.
I sell high output cartridges that will function with all phono amplifiers. I also sell voltage amplifier phono stages
Moving Coil Phono Cartridges
Transimpedance Phono Amplifiers
Call for pricing and availability (901-751-3337)
Hana ML
Luxman LMC5
Hana EL
Ortofon Cadenza
Ortofon Quintet